What is Classifii?

Are you a buyer with an Item Code?

Enter it below and we'll get your deal details.

Classifii connects you with approved local businesses (DealPoiints™) where you can complete all your online classified deals.

If you use Facebook Marketplace, or Kijiji (or any other platform), we have you covered!

How Does Classifii Work?

‍By using Classifii you NEVER have to meet the other party.

  1. Get a Digital Claim Ticket from a Seller
  2. Go to your DealPoiint™ after 24 Hours (or sooner if you sign up for notifications) and show your Claim Ticket.
  3. Ensure the item is what you're expecting
  4. Pay for the item by debit or e-transfer
  1. Sign up It's free!
  2. Use our online tool to create a Claim Ticket that your buyer will use to pick up the item.
  3. Drop off your item at your chosen DealPoiint™ within 24 Hours of creating the Claim Ticket.
  4. When the buyer picks up their item you get paid!
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